Capital One Venture X 高年费信用卡值不值 【2024年更新】
今年五月回国前买机票的时候申了我的第一张高年费($395)信用卡Capital One Venture X,用了快半年感觉体验非常不错,已经将这张卡升级为家庭共同支出信用卡,所以想详细分享一下这张信用卡的体验感(薅到的羊毛)。
1. 开卡奖励 75k miles
当时买俩人的回国机票一次性达到了开卡三个月$4000消费得75k miles的要求,加上旅行期间杂七杂八的消费很快积攒了100k miles。普通消费都有2X返点,而且没有foreign transaction fee,所以出国旅游我也是一直用这张卡。
2. 每年$300的travel credit + 10k 里程
首笔机票消费10天后就收到了第一年的$300 travel credit。唯一要注意的是机票酒店需要通过Capital One travel portal来预定,我个人觉得平台使用还挺顺滑的,价格也和我在google flights上看到的基本持平。通过Capital One平台预定机票有5X返点,酒店、租车有10X返点,积攒里程特别快。每年续年费之后还会得到额外的10k miles。
3. Capital One Lounges 休息室
回国的时候很凑巧正好经过达拉斯,是当时唯一一个有Capital One Lounge的机场。回来路上发现DC的差不多建好了。之前办卡前就在YouTube上看了lounge的饭,分量都很小很精致。我们当时是早上飞机所以就简单吃了个早饭(早餐选择),饮品有La Colombe Oatmilk Latte很好喝。着急的话也有很多to go的选择,在机场物价的对比下很美好。Lounge每次都可以免费带两个guests,还可以给家人办(免费)副卡,他们可以自己单独去。
4. Priority Pass (价值$99)
免费的PP旗下机场休息室,美国的休息室比较鸡肋。我用到过比较神奇的服务是JFK机场的VIP ONE Lounge提供的Fast Track Security Lane,工作人员会带着你先过安检(I人尝试过一次心理压力极大,以后应该还是用TSA PreCheck,但是没有TSA PreCheck又赶时间的话很值得使用这个服务)。亚洲机场的休息室的餐食会相对好一些,像香港台北机场的休息室可以冲个澡再登机。
5. 报销 Global Entry ($100) 或者 TSA Pre Check ($85)
Venture X 每四年可以报销上至$100的Global Entry 或 TSA PreCheck申请费。只需要申请时用这张卡付款,我在付款5天后就收到了statement credit。
6. Cultivist 六个月艺旅会会员(价值$220;2024年福利降级)
本人最期待的一个羊毛,搬到纽约后立马开通了!很适合旅游前再开通免费去世界各大博物馆美术馆(完整museum list),可以免费带一个guest。在纽约的博物馆Cultivist会员通常可以在会员柜台领票,不需要在人流量大的日子在普通柜台排队很久。这几个月光带人去古根海姆美术馆和大都会博物馆感觉就值回剩余的$95年费了……
(2023.11 更新:Cultivist已经不再和古根海姆合作,取而代之的是MOMA 现代艺术博物馆)
(2024.7 更新:很可惜,从2024年6月23日起,免费的6个月Cultivist会员的福利降级为$440 会员费半价)
7. 退货保护 Return Protection
之前买到不合适的final sale衣服试着用了一次。退货保护适用于商家不接受退货的情况,现在打折后普遍是final sale,用这张卡能稍微给自己留一个退路。购买90天内提交订单和退货政策到claim center即可。但是注意的是寄回的邮费需要自付,所以太重的东西不确定是否合适还是不买比较好。
8. Capital One Offer 返现
把这张卡升级为家庭共同支出卡后发现capital one offer也挺好用的,像买猫粮chewy一般rakuten上没有返现,但是capital one就有4%的苍蝇肉。
9. 客服
总体而言,我个人觉得这张高年费信用卡在每年至少出行一次的情况下非常值得,因为使用感很好甚至还开了Capital One 360 Checking Account作为joint checking account(目前还有$350开卡bonus)。但是我有看到坊间传言太会薅信用卡羊毛用户比较难通过Venture X的申请,如果有需要开卡75k miles bonus referral的朋友欢迎通过下方链接申请。
(English version translated by ChatGPT)
Is the Capital One Venture X Card Worth Its Hefty Annual Fee?
In May 2023, before returning to my home country, I applied for my first high annual fee ($395) credit card, the Capital One Venture X. After using it for almost half a year, I found the experience to be excellent. I have upgraded this card to a joint household spending credit card and would like to share my detailed experience with this credit card.
1. Sign-up Bonus of 75k miles
At that time, purchasing round-trip tickets for two people to return to the country met the requirement of spending $4000 in the first 3 months, earning 75k miles. Additionally, dining and shopping expenses during the trip allowed me to redeem $1000 worth of travel rewards. Regular expenses yield 2X points, and there are no foreign transaction fees, making it my go-to card during travels.
2. $300 Annual Travel Credit + 10k miles
I received the first year's $300 travel credit just 10 days after the initial ticket purchase. It's important to note that flights and hotels need to be booked through the Capital One travel portal. I found the platform to be smooth to use, with prices comparable to those on Google Flights. Booking flights through the platform earns 5X points, while hotel and car rental bookings earn 10X points, enabling rapid mileage accumulation. There's also a 10k mile bonus upon card renewal each year.
3. Capital One Lounges
Coincidentally, I passed through Dallas when I returned to my home country, the only airport with a Capital One Lounge at the time. I found that the Capital One lounge in Washington Dulles International Airport was nearly completed on my return journey. I had watched reviews of the lounge on YouTube before applying for the card, and the servings were small but exquisite. Since we had a morning flight, we enjoyed a simple breakfast with good options. The La Colombe Oatmilk Latte was particularly delicious. In case of urgency, there were many to-go options. The lounge allows two guests for free each time. Venture X also permits family members to have their own supplementary card for free, enabling them to visit the lounge independently.
4. Priority Pass ($99 value)
Priority Pass airport lounges are quite underwhelming in the United States. One rather impressive service I've used is the Fast Track Security Lane offered by the VIP ONE Lounge at JFK Airport. The staff will escort you through security first. (I've used it once and felt quite anxious, so I think I'll stick with TSA PreCheck in the future. However, if you don't have TSA PreCheck and are in a hurry, this service is definitely worth using.) The food in airport lounges in Asia tends to be better. At the lounge in Taipei Airport, you can even take a shower.
5. Reimbursement for Global Entry ($100) or TSA PreCheck ($85)
You can receive up to a $100 statement credit on your application fee for Global Entry or TSA PreCheck®. Simply use your eligible travel card to pay the application fee when you apply to become a member of either program. This benefit is only open to U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals and lawful permanent residents.
6. Six-Month Cultivist Membership ($220 value)
This was the benefit I was most excited about. After moving to New York, I immediately signed up! It's worth signing up the membership before traveling for free access to major museums and art galleries worldwide (complete museum list). It allows for bringing a guest for free. Just taking friends to the Guggenheim and the MET during these months made the remaining $95 annual fee seem worth it. (2023.11 Update: Cultivist is no longer collaborating with the Guggenheim; instead, it has been replaced by the MOMA, the Museum of Modern Art.) (2024.7 Update: Unfortunately, starting June 23, Venture X cardholders can only join The Cultivist for half off the normal rate $440)
7. Return Protection
I once used the return protection when I bought some final sale clothes that didn't fit. The return protection applies to cases where the merchant does not accept returns. Nowadays, sales are often final, but using this card provides a bit of a safety net. You can submit orders within 90 days of purchase and the return policy to the claim center. However, please note that you need to pay for the return shipping, so it's better not to buy anything too heavy if you are unsure.
8. Capital One Offers
After using this card as a joint household spending card, I found the Capital One offer to be quite useful. For example, buying cat food from Chewy doesn't offer cashback on Rakuten, but Capital One provides 4% cashback.
9. Customer Service
For any benefit-related queries, I always directly call customer service. The customer service is primarily based in the United States, making communication smooth.
Overall, I believe that this Capital One Venture X credit card is highly valuable for anyone who travels at least once a year. The user experience is excellent, and I even opened a Capital One 360 Checking Account as a joint checking account (currently with a $350 sign-up bonus). However, I have noticed that some people find it challenging to apply for this card, especially those who are adept at maximizing credit card benefits. If you need the 75k miles sign-up bonus referral, feel free to use my link below!